NEW: "In a Grain of Sand" Collection Arrives Saturday February 1st!


Kaitlyn Guay is a jewelry designer, YA Fantasy novelist, and Star Wars aficionado. In another life, she was a blissfully content elementary music teacher with a Masters in Humanistic and Multicultural Education, until a severe case of late-stage Lyme Disease brought her down a new path. Throughout a healing journey spanning the better part of a decade, she wrote her first Young Adult fantasy novel called Elements, the writing of which inspired the jewelry line before you today!

Evermore the teacher, Kaitlyn has written the popular animated children’s book on Lyme Disease, entitled "Once Upon a Lyme" to help parents, schools, and teachers educate children on Lyme Disease prevention in a light, whimsical fashion. Many of her articles on gemstones and thriving through chronic illness have been published through Collective Evolution and Elephant Journal, through which she created the #SeeBeautyEverywhere social media movement: an invitation to adopt the philosophy of Holocaust survivor Viktor Frankl, and see beauty in all things. 

She currently lives in beautiful San Diego with her husband Mark and her cat Yoda, and endeavors to eat an avocado a day.