NEW: "In a Grain of Sand" Collection Arrives Saturday February 1st!


How to Begin a Gratitude Practice

How to Begin a Gratitude Practice

Did you know that gratitude causes multiple areas of the brain to light up like a Christmas tree, triggers our reward pathways, and produces both serotonin and dopamine results similar to Prozac? Or that having a gratitude practice improves metabolism, sleep, and mental health? It does. (Source below if you’re a cynic/like reading scientific studies.) But gratitude isn’t an emotional by-product of fortunate events showering upon you like unicorn kisses. It’s a muscle. And just like you can’t get killer abs without doing at least one plank, we can’t expect to feel grateful when we haven’t wired our brains to practice it.

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Three Ways to Deepen Your Intuition

Three Ways to Deepen Your Intuition

CHOICES. I used to loathe them. I’d get myself all wrapped up in Analysis-Paralysis, my mind a veritable hamster-wheel. What’s so beautiful about the world we live in now, is that more and more people are realizing that need for intuitive and conscious practices to help raise us up as a global community. These three simple practices are ones I’ve used over the years to help deepen my intuition, and harness the hamster-wheel. I hope they bring value to your life, as they have to mine!

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Gemstones for Transformation Part IV: GROUNDING and PEACE

Gemstones for Transformation Part IV: GROUNDING and PEACE

This article is the final installment in a series on gemstones that support transformation. In Part III, we explored five gemstones for Courage and Confidence.  Today we'll explore Part IV: Five Gemstones for GROUNDING and PEACE.

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Gemstones for Transformation Part III: COURAGE and CONFIDENCE

Gemstones for Transformation Part III: COURAGE and CONFIDENCE

This article is part three of a series on gemstones that support transformation. In Part II, we explored five gemstones to help us Elevate and Protect our energy.

Today we'll explore Part III: Five Gemstones for COURAGE and CONFIDENCE.

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Gemstones for Transformation Part II: ELEVATE and PROTECT

Gemstones for Transformation Part II: ELEVATE and PROTECT

This article is part two of a series that I will be putting out over the course of this month on gemstones that support transformation. In Part I, we explored five gemstones to help the woman ready to step open-hearted into the ancient power of her divine feminine energy.

Today we'll explore Part II: Five Gemstones to ELEVATE and PROTECT.

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Gemstones for Transformation Part I: THE DIVINE FEMININE

Gemstones for Transformation Part I: THE DIVINE FEMININE

This article is part one of a series that I will be putting out over the course of this month on gemstones that support transformation, powered by the collective energy and intention of a world starting fresh in this new year. 

Today we'll explore five gemstones to help the woman ready to move into this new year with grace and light, stepping open-hearted into the ancient power of her divine feminine energy.

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Best Earrings for Your Face Shape

Best Earrings for Your Face Shape

As a woman, I am of the opinion that fashion rules are for lemmings, and people should wear whatever brings them joy. However, as a designer, I also recognize that fashion is also a way to celebrate our unique beauty, and sometimes knowing what tends to suit us can help us do that with confidence. Therefore, here are some suggestions for the best earrings for your face shape! 

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November Birthstones: Why They May Not Jive with Scorpios

November Birthstones: Why They May Not Jive with Scorpios

As a jewelry designer, I often find people either love their birthstone, or never quiiiite got into it. For all you Scorpios out there, if you haven’t felt connected to yours (yet!) that may be because of one simple fact: Scorpios are Water signs. But both of your birthstones are Fire Elements— the polar opposite of Water! Fire and Water are our two strongest Elements; our Yin and Yang. When combined, one will always try to extinguish the other. BUT. (Didn’t you know there was a “but”?) Wearing your opposite Element can sometimes help create deep balance, moving the needle when we get stuck.

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What Your Element Says About You (And What Gemstones Match It)

What Your Element Says About You (And What Gemstones Match It)


Each Element, as a class, has its own unique characteristics. Discover what your Element says about you, your friends, and family, which Elements play nice with which, and what Gemstones match it!

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Can Gemstones Heal You? It’s Not Magic. It’s Just Science.

Can Gemstones Heal You? It’s Not Magic. It’s Just Science.

This is a question I get a lot: How can gemstones and crystals have healing properties? Typically those asking assume that anyone who subscribes to the theory of crystal healing must be associated with the dark arts. And while being the Severus Snape of Gemstones would be a pretty sick tagline, gemstone healing is not magic. It’s science.

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