NEW: "In a Grain of Sand" Collection Arrives Saturday February 1st!


Gemstones for Transformation Part IV: GROUNDING and PEACE

Gemstones for Transformation Part IV: GROUNDING and PEACE

This article is the final installment in a series on gemstones that support transformation. In Part III, we explored five gemstones for Courage and Confidence.  Today we'll explore Part IV: Five Gemstones for GROUNDING and PEACE.

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Gemstones for Transformation Part III: COURAGE and CONFIDENCE

Gemstones for Transformation Part III: COURAGE and CONFIDENCE

This article is part three of a series on gemstones that support transformation. In Part II, we explored five gemstones to help us Elevate and Protect our energy.

Today we'll explore Part III: Five Gemstones for COURAGE and CONFIDENCE.

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Gemstones for Transformation Part II: ELEVATE and PROTECT

Gemstones for Transformation Part II: ELEVATE and PROTECT

This article is part two of a series that I will be putting out over the course of this month on gemstones that support transformation. In Part I, we explored five gemstones to help the woman ready to step open-hearted into the ancient power of her divine feminine energy.

Today we'll explore Part II: Five Gemstones to ELEVATE and PROTECT.

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Can Gemstones Heal You? It’s Not Magic. It’s Just Science.

Can Gemstones Heal You? It’s Not Magic. It’s Just Science.

This is a question I get a lot: How can gemstones and crystals have healing properties? Typically those asking assume that anyone who subscribes to the theory of crystal healing must be associated with the dark arts. And while being the Severus Snape of Gemstones would be a pretty sick tagline, gemstone healing is not magic. It’s science.

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