NEW: "In a Grain of Sand" Collection Arrives Saturday February 1st!


Gemstones for Transformation Part II: ELEVATE and PROTECT

Gemstones for Transformation Part II: ELEVATE and PROTECT

This article is part two of a series that I will be putting out over the course of this month on gemstones that support transformation. In Part I, we explored five gemstones to help the woman ready to step open-hearted into the ancient power of her divine feminine energy.

Today we'll explore Part II: Five Gemstones to ELEVATE and PROTECT.

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Gemstones for Transformation Part I: THE DIVINE FEMININE

Gemstones for Transformation Part I: THE DIVINE FEMININE

This article is part one of a series that I will be putting out over the course of this month on gemstones that support transformation, powered by the collective energy and intention of a world starting fresh in this new year. 

Today we'll explore five gemstones to help the woman ready to move into this new year with grace and light, stepping open-hearted into the ancient power of her divine feminine energy.

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